I Am At The Crossroad… What The Hell Do I Do Now! (Part 2)

Our crossroads are and will always be the time when we make a decision about how we want to live, thrive and prosper in this life. Let there be no mistake about this fact, because living and thriving and prospering, are everything to our existence here on earth. If we are not living, thriving and prospering — we are then obviously dying! Right? Makes sense? Of course it does! We are intelligent human beings aren’t we? Well, we might want to reconsider that question. I’m just saying!

For example, we are the only beings on earth that will voluntarily roll up a plant in paper and set fire to it and breath, in and out, its toxic and harmful fumes until it destroys our lungs which we depend on to breath and live. All because we think it’s cool, or that it relaxes us. Well, seeing that cigarettes are stimulants, I’m lost on that one. This is one I love! We are the only beings to produce a liquid that is 120 proof alcohol, all the while knowing its harmful effects on the human body, sits down and consumes it in large quantities until we cannot think straight or walk upwardly. This is the best one… We take toxic chemicals, mix them together in a deadly and toxic soup, and then take a syringe and plunge that mixture into our bodies. Wait! This is the good part … and we keep doing it over and over again until we suffer a premature and horrible death. I believe other beings are looking at us and saying, “Those humans have got to be the dumbest people on the planet! Don’t they want to live as long as they can, and as healthy as they can?”

I have to agree with those little critters because I definitely was one of those dumb ass humans, until I wasn’t. Unfortunately, I smoked for many years until I came to my CROSSROAD. I had to quit because I was diagnosed with emphysema. I saw the X-rays and my lungs looked terrible. They looked like they were shredded. It could of been worse had I continued, but I stopped and I’m on the way towards better health. Thank God! The worst thing to me was that I did that horrible damage to myself. And nobody forced me, it was all my dumb ass idea. What a crazy decision that was! However, on a positive note; at my CROSSROAD, I made the right decision. Today, smoking is totally deleted from my present reality. That will show those little critters who’s smart!

What I have learned from my CROSSROAD experience is the understanding that I have the power of choice in my life and it empowers me greatly. Why? Because it lets me know that I have control over my life, as opposed to life having control over me. I can wake up in the morning and choose my healthy breakfast, or choose my entire menu of the day, with life sustaining foods and fresh water. Also, choosing who is in my life, making sure whoever they are, they are bringing to me positive vibes and wisdom and loving support. I realize negativity is such a damaging vibe and joy killer, so I choose to not have it in my reality as much as I can. I also choose, for myself, to be a spreader of positive vibes and wisdom and loving support to others… I choose! For the rest of my life… I choose! Do you?

Finally, coming to the CROSSROADS in our lives is inevitable. This is where we choose the colors that go upon our canvas called life. In the end, all we will ever do is paint a portrait of our lives with the colors of positive choices and decisions. And when we look back upon the picture we have painted, will we say, “It was good!” … or, ” I sure did muck that up!” Will we be proud of ourselves? Or will we be ashamed and know we could of done a better job by making better choices.

If you are reading my words now, then you know that you have one more chance to start making better choices. It’s never too late when you still have a breath. Life is waiting on you to make a decision… make it now! Choose life always and live abundantly and joyfully! This my friends, is your birthright. This my friends… you deserve!

You are loved more than you could ever imagine, so return that love by loving yourself!
Know thyself and be at peace!

Your friend in life,
One Love, One World…
Christopher B!

6 comments on “I Am At The Crossroad… What The Hell Do I Do Now! (Part 2)

  1. Sharon Francis says:

    Great article… I enjoyed reading this! Thank you!

  2. Your so welcome Sharon! I appreciate you joining me on this journey! Your my inspiration Sharon! Thank You!

  3. Patricia Yvette says:

    I really enjoyed this article, I stumbled across it while looking for an image to paint ( painting crossroads) because this where I find myself in life. Thank u for reminding me to love myself first n foremost. 🙂

  4. […] Featured Photo is At the Crossroad by Hermanne Allan Poe, taken from the blog of @Christopher B! […]

  5. […] christopherbpearman.wordpress.com, […]

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